… 15th on size the world country, the picturesque corner of globe washed by waters of Pacific ocean and obstinate Caribbean sea. A place where extinct volcanoes, rainforests, cascade falls, hydrochloric lakes and mineral sources wonderfully get on.
Mexico is the country of surprising opening, a unique cocktail of various cultures and tastes. The world with rich ancient history. The country of mystical civilizations of the Maya and Aztecs. It is unique, created by the nature, a complex of cities and resorts. Here there are the fine sandy beaches impressing excursion routes, incendiary discos, tasty kitchen, set of hotels for all tastes and a purse.
The main secret of success of Mexico tourist consists that them actually two. One — pjatizvezdno-otelnaja, pljazhno-zagoralnaja and entertaining-decorative — is accessible on all popular resorts of the country And here «Mexico 2» are unearthly pyramids of Teotiuakana, indejsko-colonial Oaxaca, magic Uxmal and still set of other places directly connected with a mysterious civilization dissolved in centuries of the Maya. Numerous monuments of history and culture will transfer inquisitive travelers to the world of ancient Indians and at the time of the Spanish colonization. Rest in Mexico is also unforgettable impressions of snow-covered volcanoes, desert and buried in verdure rainforests.